Day 4

On Wednesday we drove from Cody, WY to our finally destination, Red Lodge MT. We took the scenic
Chief Joseph Scenic Highway and came into Red Lodge via the
Beartooth Pass. At the top the Beartooth pass reaches an elevation of 10,974. It was the most incredible and yet the scariest drives of my life.

Having fun on the mountains.

Daddy and Declan (who actually wanted to wear his hat for a little while).

The higher we got the more snow there was.

Now you know your up in the middle of no where when you see signs like this.

Since there was so much snow left the rivers where incredible. We talked to a guy in Cody that said it was still snowing up there just 3 weeks ago. Most of the lakes were still partially frozen. The temperature dipped to 43 degrees. Brrrrrr!!

We stopped and had a picnic on a little rock. This quite little moment on our trip was probably my favorite time. Mostly because the views were amazing. But one of the most exciting things about this trip was watching the boys take in everything around them. Such innocence and enjoyment.

Jumping on the rocks.

There is a little lake behind us and right as this picture was snapped Carson almost fell into it. You can sort of see him starting to slide in the picture. Good thing I have fast reflexes.

After our picnic we took the boys over to see some snow. Declan wanted nothing to do with it. It was too cold for his shorts and Crocs attire but Carson loved it. Like Father Like Son!!

Trying (unsuccessfully I might add) to throw snowballs at mama!

Down he goes.

Oh, I just want to go back!

The trip got a little scary (at least for me) when the road narrowed up and there were 15 ft snowdrifts on either side of the road.

And it was a cloudy day so in some spots we couldn't see anything, except the road.

And at times even that was questionable.

If you'd prefer to drive like a crazy man down the mountain the speed limit is 70. Only in Montana!
Day 5On Thursday a bunch of us went whitewater rafting. I don't have any pictures of it but it was a blast. I wish we could have gone a couple of times.

Jack and Carson, who can only be up to no good.

Thata girl! Miss Jada eating "the Cameron dip" with just a spoon and one chip!

Did I mention he loves chips? But no dip.....he doesn't know what's good for him yet.

Being silly with grandma.

The boys waiting for the horse drawn wagon to pick us up for a ride.

Not so sure of the horses.

Cowgirl Jada waving to all her fans.

Walking through downtown Red Lodge (without shoes on)
Day 6 - Happy Independence Day!!

Yes, we are all wearing the same shirt! They were only $5!

Can you tell who didn't want to take the picture?

Hanging out waiting for the parade to start.

Mr. Independence himself.

Watching atop daddy's shoulders.

Watching from Papa's shoulders.

The 3 musketeers.

Grandma and Declan enjoying the parade.

Picking up parade loot.

Eating as much parade loot as humanly possible.

Waiting for more parade loot.

Carson trying to duck from the floats that had water guns on them.

I wonder what this conversation entailed?

Croquet anyone?

I think they were trying to fit themselves inside the croquet box to sleep. Not quite enough room but maybe a little hint as too how tired there were from running around all day.
I rented the boys Madagascar from the library for them to watch on the trip. I think Carson watched it at least 117 times. He cried today when we had to take it back to the library. Looks like we may have to find room in the budget for our own copy.
Your whole vacation looks so amazing! I'm so jealous, and great job documenting it!
Welcome back! What a fabulous collection of photos and comments about your trip! You look like the perfect all-American family.
You guys are like a Rockwell painting! Seriously, you look like the perfect American family :)
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