I love summer. I especially love this summer. The boys are so much fun. It's great watching them enjoy the simplest of summer time pleasures. I don't want summer to ever end! Here is some of what we have been up to.

Running through the sprinklers on a very hot day. He wasn't sure at first but once he got going he couldn't stop.

Pouting for some unknown reason. I think because I was trying to get him to look at the camera. I can still see you behind those fingers...and your even looking at the camera.

Declan, where's your belly button? (Pulling back big belly to find said belly button)

There it is!

The boys "helped" me make a rhubarb cake. They preferred eating the marshmallows instead of putting them in the pan. Carson thought the cake was for his birthday! Why not? It's like Christmas in July.

Carson loves to pick the vegetables out of my garden and eat them too. As long as its from the garden he'll eat it. Hmm, how am I going to convince him that even in Jan the green beans are still coming from mama's garden? He keeps checking the tomatoes to see if they are red yet. It might be awhile for those. I wonder if he'll actually eat them? I wonder if I could convince him that EVERYTHING comes out of my garden. Think of what he would eat?

Declan loves checking out the bugs.

Carson only wants to touch it if Declan is around.

Summer isn't complete without a water fight or 2. Watch out, he's good.

Helping daddy refill the squirt guns.

Declan didn't really care for the squirt guns.

He just wanted to watch the water fall out of the hose.

Maybe take a sip or two.

And help brother take a drink.

And completely drench yourself, creating an extra load of laundry for mama but that's ok! It was worth every minute.

Who needs shorts? Time to hit the bath.
You are right - let's make this summer last forever!!!
Love Declan's belly button hunting!
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