How come the vacation never lasts as long as the anticipation of going on vacation? Although its good to be home (and in our own beds) I'm really sad it's over. We drove the entire 775 miles home yon Saturday. YIKES! It was long but it was nice to have a day to recover before the work week starts. I took over 500 pictures on our trip. I've weeded through them all and deleted a good share but I've got lots to show. We actually got alot of great pictures. So prepare yourself and I'll try and do this is some sort of organized fashion.
Day One
On Sunday we headed out to Rapid City. We stopped in Wall, SD to visit the infamous
Wall Drug. You can't miss it. They have an excellent (yet annoying) advertisement campaign that involved placing a sign, usually with a silly saying on it, every 1/4 a mile (across the ENTIRE state). The first few were fine but 500 Wall Drug signs later and we were a little crazy. It's a neat place and definitely something to see.

Future Cowboy

Making friends with (fake) cowboys.

A smile that will melt your heart.

No stop on vacation is complete without a little ice cream.
Day Two
On Monday we spent the day seeing Mount Rushmore. Or as Carson called it, "the fwaces." No matter how many times you see it they are still amazing.

Not a cloud in the sky.

It's hard to get a picture without 14 other families in it as well. I'll have to Photoshop them out!!

They don't know how to look at the camera. I wonder at what age they develop that trait?

Daddy and Declan (who had his plug in for the entire trip)

Mommy and Carson

Being silly while enjoying a healthy lunch of chips and cookies.

This is probably the BEST picture we have ever gotten of the two of them. Love it!

Declan showing us his jumping skills.

On our way out of Rushmore we took the scenic route through the park and into Spearfish. It was gorgeous and I think we are going to try and go there next summer for some camping. We were able to get this side view of Washington as we came down.

A little entertainment in the hotel.

Too bad the cooler was to heavy for either of them to pull.
Day 3

We headed from Spearfish, SD to Cody WY. This time we went through Big Horn National Forest. It was such a pretty (long) drive. There is nothing quite like the mountains. They are so incredibly breathtaking. Maybe some of my envy comes from the fact that I live in the flattest part of the world!

It was a little chilly up in the mountains! There was a little bit of snow too. Good thing I had the boys dressed appropriately in sleeveless shirts and shorts, oops!

I don't have any pictures from our night in Cody but we did have fun. We watched a Gunfighter show downtown. Carson like to call it the "boom show" since they let off real blanks. At dinner that night we ate at a small cafe downtown. There were only a few other people there and they eventually cleared out. They had a guy singing with his guitar so after everyone had left he serenaded us with Puff the Magic Dragon. Both the boys loved it and were dancing away. Why didn't I have my camera????
Gorgeous pictures Amy!
So did you get the free ice water at Wall Drug? LOL.
Beautiful pictures! That looks like so much fun!
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