Check out this! And it only took a week to get it built. By our standards that's pretty much moving at the speed of light.
Its gorgeous out today! Although from these pictures of Carson you would think its freezing. He insisted on wearing his hat and coat most of the morning. Trevor and I bought some food to grill tonight and I made strawberry shortcake. Can't wait for dinner!
Yesterday we went to the zoo and got our membership. It was a bit chilly but the boys had a blast. Surprisingly they BOTH wanted to feed the goats.
Carson's been in a, I-don't-want-to-do-it-unless-Declan-does mood lately. So yesterday when we went to feed the goats I figured neither of them would do it. The goats jump up on the fence so it can be pretty scary for little guys. I about fell over when Carson jumped at the chance FIRST and Declan wasn't far behind him. Here is a video.
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