It's hard to believe that 3 years ago today we became parents. Trevor and I have been reminiscing the last couple of days of what it was like 3 years ago our eagerness to meet our first born, the excitement of finding out the sex, trying to change diapers for the first time (that was Trevor, not me), watching 4 VERY excited people become grandparents for the first time and loving him like nothing else from the moment he was born. What a blessing he has been and oh how he has changed our lives.
Carson has decided that he is actually five today. His preschool teacher asked him how old he was and he promptly raised all five fingers and said, "This many." We stopped at the video store today so I could rent Juno, great movie if you haven't seen it. While we were there I decided to try and find a kids video game for Carson. He quickly picked out Cars. We came home and played it and I think its safe to say he may be addicted. I should have taken a picture and I'll try to later but he prefers to hold the controller upside down.
Here are some pictures from our birthday extravaganza this weekend.

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