Thursday, March 6, 2008

Look Who's Talking

You'll have to excuse the talking with your mouth full portion of this video. We'll work on that one. When he cooperates in answering questions you have to act fast and grab the camera! Here is just a small sample of the words Declan has picked up just in the last few weeks.

We miss Florida! It doesn't help that the "high" tonight is supposed to be 12 below or something ridiculous like that. When we got home on Monday night Carson didn't want to wear his pants or long sleeves. So he stood in the parking lot wearing shorts, Crocs and his winter coat while daddy put the seats in. When he finally climbed in the car he was so excited to see his hat and mittens. He shouted, "Look mama my hat!" as he quickly tried to shove it on his head. Like Father, Like Son I guess.

I also celebrated my birthday earlier this week. And with that I have decided to venture into reading the Bible in a year. Hopefully, with some prayer and patience, I can finish on my birthday next year. So far so good. I hope this spiritual journey brings me to a deeper level of faith and makes me a better wife, mother, daughter and friend. Please keep me in your prayers.


Cristy said...

OMG that is too cute!