Sunday, March 2, 2008

Goodbye Sunshine

Today was our last full day in Florida. It was gorgeous. We went to church, blew some bubbles, fed the ducks and went to a Greek Festival where we chowed down on some yummy gyros and Greek salads. The boys are soaking in the tub trying to get all their dirt off and there was lots today!

Tomorrow we leave early in the morning to drive up to Orlando for our flight. So it's going to be a long day for us. Hopefully they will both be ready for a nap when we get on the plane. Luckily, its a direct flight so no getting on and off planes. Tuesday we return to normalcy. That should be interesting. The boys have eaten pretzels, popcorn, pickles and pudding for almost every meal. Guess they liked things that started with the letter P. It should be an interesting week of getting back into routine.

We've had a blast down here and enjoyed some fabulous weather. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for all the fun. Here are some pictures from our last day.

Relaxing after a long day in the sun.

Watching the ducks before church.

Carson loved to wash all the sand off our shoes and toys.

Helping brother feed the ducks.

Catching Bubbles


Cristy said...

I love the matching shirts, so cute! Glad you had a great time!

Katie said...

I can't believe how much the boys now look like best friends. It's adorable.