Last night was our first night of swimming lessons. It was Carson's first swimming lesson without mom or dad in the pool with him. The both did excellent. Forget playing soccer like their dad I think they may be swimmers like their mom!

We hit the Apple Orchard again for Apple Festival. 20# of apples, 3 pies, 2 apple crisps and 1 apple cookie dessert and I am appled out! And so was the orchard which was slim pickins last weekend.

In other fun news. Declan learned to blow kisses this morning, now that is cute. But he's also learned to throw tantrums, not cute, well cute because he's so little and he just throws himself on the floor, but not cute because now I have 2 kids who do it.
Carson has been talking up a storm. He takes everything and makes it into a 1 syllable word. Here are a few examples....
Mapple = My Apple
Muff = Muffin
Iovu = I love you
Newt = Fig Newton
And last but not least, a video of last night's swimming adventures.
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