I love fall! Today my MOMS Club visited the local
Apple Orchard for some apple picking. It was an absolute blast. Both boys had so much fun. We had story time, snack time, played on some hay, visited the petting zoo and picked apples. We came home with a big bag of apples and Carson is so excited about them. Hopefully I can keep him eating them because he loved it today....so did Declan.

Santa Claus read us a story about apples. And just in case your wondering, Santa is from California, we saw his driver's license.

Carson enjoyed a snack of apples and apple juice. Yummy!

After snack time we visited the petting zoo. Declan loved the animals.

And I think its safe to say that they loved him!

Checking out the chickens.

And the chickens checking out Declan.

Playing on the hay.

Still climbing!

Goofy Boy!

I think he's done with the hay.

Obviously they were checking out whoever was behind me. Far more interesting then mommy with her camera.

My Silly Boys.

I thought it was tough getting 2 kids to look at the camera, try 4!

Declan waves to the camera.

Anthony just gave up and started laughing at the ridiculousness that is 4 mommies trying to take pictures.

Crazy Boys!

We're going to have to work on the looking at mommy thing. At least they are smiling!

All the munchkins

Carson and Anthony (our realtor's son) ready for the wagon ride.

Picking apples!

He loved it and had a hard time stopping when our bag was full. We'll have to go back especially since they don't take a credit card and mom had no checks or cash on her!
We topped off our afternoon with a visit to McDonalds for lunch with all the kids. Both kids are sacked out for their nap which will hopefully be a long one. Its the 3rd day that Carson has been in his big boy bed. He's done well but naptime today was a little tricky. Note to self: Make sure ALL toys have left the room or he will get up and play with them. ;-)
Also, I forgot to mention it but yesterday would have been my sister's 37th birthday. So, Happy Birthday Cari! I hope your birthday was fabulous!
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