We hit a local lake yesterday for the first time. Now I'm kicking myself for not going there sooner. The boys had a blast at the beach.

Even Miss Emily joined us for a swim. She wanted nothing to do with playing fetch but she did swim for awhile.

Reason #32 why my husband is the best....

He knows I can't stand swimming in lakes so he gladly, and without complaining, takes the boys for me while I sit on the side taking pictures(being 53 weeks pregnant may also have something to do with it). I need a pool where I can see the bottom and not feel any weeds. Luckily, it looks like both boys have been given the lake swimming gene from my wonderful husband!

And with 3 boys in the water a splash party soon ensues.

And I think...

the little boys may have won!

Declan has no worries about getting dirty. He'll sit right in the sand with his wet suit.

Or roll around in it all wet.

Or apparently stick his head in it.

Carson on the other hand wants nothing to do with being dirty....EVER.

Here he is showing off just how dirty he let his hands get....which in case you can see is mostly just a little dusty.

One messy. One clean. Both beach lovers!
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