This past weekend we took the boys (and grandma and papa) to the Omaha Zoo. This is our third (Really?) summer in Sioux Falls and we have gone every year. It's such an incredible zoo. The boys had been talking about it for weeks. So at the crack (Carson was up at 3:30 ready to go) of dawn we woke up to drive down to Omaha for the day. Thanks to a new Transformer DVD and grandma sitting between them the boys were entertained the whole way.

Our traditional family photo on the REAL steam engine train. It's one of the neatest trains to ride. And I think the boys enjoyed it since they asked no less then 173 times if we could ride it again.

Apparently it was wear blue to the zoo day. Declan and I seemed to have missed that plan though.

Success! They are both looking at the camera.

Even the loud noise of the train whistle and the blowing steam couldn't keep him awake. When he's ready for a nap, he's ready for a nap. Good thing Papa's hand was there for a pillow.

All sacked out.
After the train ride it was time to hit the pavement and see all the animals.

Like the bears

And the penguins (probably my favorite exhibit)

Carson was in animal heaven. Running around like he was on crack from animal to animal. He is definitely a fan of the zoo.

Time for a break and a snack.

We also checked out the gorillas (not just the ones you can climb on).

And before we left we hit the carousel. Not once...

But twice.

After 5+ hours at the zoo they crashed on the ride home., watching Transformers of course.
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