I can't believe my baby is 4. Four years ago today we became parents and I remember it as if it was yesterday. I remember laying there for what felt like minutes until they final announced, "It's a Boy!" And we were introduced to a 9lb 6oz healthy baby boy that would forever change our lives.
Carson you are the light of our world. You have brought your daddy and I so much joy. We are so proud of you and today we wish you a very Happy 4th Birthday! We love you Little Man!
Yesterday it was Carson's turn to bring birthday treats to school. Which also means he gets to be Line Leader, a position that is highly guarded in the preschool world. All his preschool friends sang Happy Birthday to him and he was enthroned with a sticker and a birthday hat!
We celebrated Carson's birthday last weekend. We headed to Space Aliens for dinner and some games.
Aunt Georgia and Declan being silly.

Carson wanted a Transformer Cake. We convinced him that doing a Decepticon symbol was the best (and easisest). It supposed to be purple but we didn't have the right food coloring so we convinced him that green would work.

Declan helping Carson open his presents.
A new Transformer.
Another new Transformer.
A baseball glove.
And a bat to go with.
Carson wanted a Transformer Cake. We convinced him that doing a Decepticon symbol was the best (and easisest). It supposed to be purple but we didn't have the right food coloring so we convinced him that green would work.

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