Summer is winding down in our house. Not only are the temperatures a little cooler but Carson starts preschool next Monday already. We dropped off all his supplies last night and saw his teachers, he'll actually have the same ones as last year and his best friend Andrew is in his class again so he's pretty excited. So we've been trying to enjoy as much of summer as we can. Hard to believe that this time next year my little boy will be jetting off to kindergarten!

The other day we painted out on the deck. Why I haven't thought of this sooner I'll never know. They had a blast and it didn't matter is some got on the deck.

I think the rock holding Declan's paper down even got a paint treatment. Now if only we could keep doing this activity outside in the dead of winter.

Carson is almost done with soccer. That's his little butt in the air trying to move his soccer ball with his knee or some other random body part that coach has called out. He's had a blast doing it and we've had fun watching him.

Declan and I usually sit on the sidelines watching. This time he even brought his camera to snap some pictures. We tried to convince him that he could play soccer if he wore big boy underwear but apparently that wasn't enough to change his mind.
Have I mentioned he can be stubborn?
And he'll be wearing diapers to kindergarten?

We've also been trying to enjoy as much pool time as we can. Luckily last week it was HOT so we were able to get some lounging in.

And work on our tan!

I even soaked my feet a few days. I'm chugging along at 33 weeks today. However, yesterday at the doctor I measured a nice 40. This may explain my miserableness (is that even a word?) or the look on people's face when I tell them how much farther I have. Yes I'm big, no there is not twins and no I'm not wrong on my dates....I need those 3 statements made into a shirt.
Do you sense some bitterness in my tone? ;-)
Trevor told me the next 6 weeks would go fast. Hmmm, somehow I think if HE was carrying around this baby toddler in his tummy he'd feel a little different! But alas, I'm praying for patience and strength and some sort of peace of mind that this will end someday. As a bonus I do get another ultrasound in 2 weeks to check the babies size and my fluid level. It seems the little peanut is swimming around in a little extra water but that doesn't seem to be stopping him or her from growing like a weed!!