This will be our 4th Christmas with kids (really? 4 of them? Wow time flies!). And while we've enjoyed each one this one seems to be a little more special. Between preschool and home there have been many conversations and lessons about what Christmas is. As with any 3 year old Santa is usually at the top of the list and what he is bringing in his sleigh (which by the way changes every Santa can keep that straight I'll never know). Carson has lit Advent wreaths at home, at school and at church. We have several Advent calendars in our house counting down the days until its Jesus' birthday and its the first thing they want to do in the morning and they ask at least 47 times throughout the day when they can put the next piece up or have another "tootsie woll." We have the supplies ready to make cupcakes for Jesus' birthday. We've donated some of our toys to those less fortunate then us. We bought our Christmas tree, decorated it and put an angel on the top of it. We've done some Christmas shopping. We'll be ringing the bell for the Salvation Army. We'll be buying and wrapping gifts to give to the less fortunate.
All these things in anticipation of Jesus' birth. I've always loved Christmas but watching all this anticipation through these four little eyes has been amazing. When I was little it took forever for Christmas to come but this year I want to hold on to this anticipation and wonder that our boys have. It's so much fun to watch.
The boys and their tree.
Has it really been 4? I actually had to sort of do the math on that one! LOL.
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