Can you believe its Thanksgiving week already? It feels like we were just making daily trip to the swimming pool to cool off. Christmas music is playing in all the stores, lights are going up, shopping has begun and next Sunday is already the first Sunday of Advent. Time flies I guess.
My good friend Amy pointed out that my last posted was titled, "Deer Hunting Weekend 2" yet I didn't mention any deer. Well, that would be because none were shot, in fact, we didn't even see one. Deer Hunting at its finest! I'm happy to report that everyone seems to be on the mend around here and feeling much better.
This weekend we had a little snowfall and thanks to mommy taking the keys with her to work the boys were stuck at home to play in it. Carson was thrilled and very excited to get his snow pants on. Declan on the other hand is just like his mommy, not much for all that gear or the cold. But Trevor did convince (read: force) him to stay out and have some fun.
Hm, "deer hunting" with no deer, and now "Turkey week" with no turkey! LOL. But I'll let you off the hook since you still do have a few days before you really need your turkey stories.
I can't believe how much snow you have!
And are you serious that matinees are only before 2?! Outrageous!
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