Carson was requested a "samwich" everday for lunch for at least the past 2 weeks. And he's gotten it every time he asks. For a moment I feel guilty but then I realize just how easy it is to make PB&J and I succumb to the pressure of coming up with something else. Today I wanted to stop and grab something for lunch but he insisted on having a "samwich."
At school the kids take turns bringing snacks. Thursday is Carson's turn. And for some reason I have snack anxiety. You see snack time seems to be the thrill of the day for all 3 year olds. Every parent has the same conversation with their child as they walk out the school door, "What did you do in school today?" and you can hear every child answer the same thing, "We had ____ for snack today." It's quite comical actually and makes me want to provide the best snack ever so I can hear the comments from all the little people when school is over! Oh the pressure!
So I've kept track of what's been served. I mean we don't want to have any repeats. No ma'am, not in this house where we eat PB&J for lunch everyday. I've also asked Carson a few times what he would like to bring. His answers have varied, Samwiches, apples, crackers, cake, little cookies. It seems his answers go along with whatever it was they had for snack that day. Today it was a little cookies so he insisted I make little cookies for him. I said how about big cookies? And he gleefully agreed. So I guess I'll be making a batch of chocolate chip cookies for him.
Now, what to bring for show-n-tell??
We started swim lessons last night. Declan is in his last session of parent-tot. And he's the biggest and oldest kid in his class. He's probably a little past being in that class but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to stand up because he is so short. So last night he sang along with all the songs, screamed hello to his daddy in the balcony and insisted on squirting me with his frog toy the whole time. The other babies (and they were babies, most under a year) sucked their thumbs and giggled. It was pretty comical to see the difference in them. Carson loved his lessons too. No fear in going to his teacher and he hopped right in!
This weekend it was time to bust out our door to the garage. It was only a 30 inch wide door so if you were carrying anything it required entering sideways. Plus it was very poorly insualted. So my father-in-law and Trevor decided to install a 36 inch door. By LATE Sunday afternoon my entry way looked like this.
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