Last night we watched 2 friends of ours. 4 boys under 3.5. People at the park had to think we were nuts with all these kids!

Sam and Carson even learned how to give each other a ride. (Don't mind that mountain of crap in the background...we need to make a serious run to the dump)

We even enjoyed a bomb pop!

I think his lips are STILL red.

Lucas was the popsicle eating champ though. He bit that thing off faster then the older boys.

Here is what happens when the wind blows at our house. This lovely hunk of tree was laying in our driveway when we got home today. I've lived here 6 months and I am already sick of hauling sticks away!

Good thing we have two boys who will help us!

The hair hasn't tamed any since becoming shorter. This was the style after nap the other day. And that stunned look comes from me pulling the plug to get a picture BEFORE he lost his mind.
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