A few (or maybe more) random thoughts.
* I killed at least a million ants yesterday. And I am not exaggerating. I used an entire bottle of ant killer on them. It was so gross and I've been itching ever since.
* We got our stimulus check today. Yahoo! We're planning a trip for this fall with it.
* My Schwan man was nice enough to drop off some Push-Ems today that he was out of earlier this week. When I was younger that was all we got from the Schwan man and they were so good. I don't think I've had one since. Can't wait to dig into those!
* Declan is still having some major pooping problems. Per my doctors advice he has been drinking LOTS of juice but its not making much of a difference for him. So looks like I need to call the doctor and get him on an infant laxative.
* I need some new pants for work so on Monday I took the boys shopping with me. I thought it would be a fabulous idea to scrunch us all into a dressing room so I could try on a pair. As I took off my own pants Carson yelled (to a packed dressing room) "Mom your half naked!" Thanks honey!
* Carson has taken a liking to his swimming lessons. He loves the noodle train she does with them. I can sign him up for some shorter lessons this summer so I think I may do it just because he loves it so much. Check out this video...he's getting brave.
* Declan keeps getting called a girl wherever we go. I know its the hair since I'm pretty sure I do a good job of dressing him like a boy. So I'm debating cutting his hair off. Not sure what to do with it though. Look at those curls.
Ooh, garage sales...I haven't started going yet this spring. But I love garage sales!
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