We are back from our world wind Christmas vacation. We made stops at both grandparents during our travels. We had a blast, ate to much and enjoyed the company of lots of family. Here are some pictures of our fun.

Before we left we rang the bell for the Salvation Army. It doesn't look like it from this picture but this was actually the warmest its ever been when we ring the bell.

Our first stop was at Grandma and Papa Lee's house. We were able to get out and do a little sledding but it was pretty cold while we were there.

Grandma and Papa Lee

Declan could have cared less about the presents. He wanted the bows!

Next up was Grandma and Papa Cameron's. On Christmas Eve we made a birthday cake for Baby Jesus.

The frosting was the best part for Carson.

Declan will eat anything sweet so he dove right in.

Setting out cookies for Santa.

It took Carson awhile to warm up to the idea of opening presents. But once he got going he loved it.

Declan was very excited to get new toys.

After all the presents were opened we went sledding.

Carson preferred pulling his brother around instead of going down the hill.
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