We encountered this contraption, I mean saddle, when we went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse. Declan wanted nothing to do with it but Carson seemed to enjoy it.

Carson decorating his Gingerbread train.

How long is Declan's hair?

Well, if I leave the shampoo in it for awhile I can get it to stand up. It's pretty long.

Carson's favorite thing to do these days.....make silly faces. And Declan being amused by it all.
This past weekend we went to Grand Forks, ND to watch the MN Gophers take on the Sioux in hockey. It was a great time. The Gophers lost on Friday but they WON on Saturday when we where there. Go Gophers!!

Carson sitting in the WAY back of grandpa's car trying to stay warm and watch cartoons. It was 14 below in Fargo on Saturday when we got there. Brrrrrrr!!

If we can't get both boys to take a picture then we take turns. Declan's turn....

And Carson's turn.
All dressed in our Gopher colors!

Declan was highly entertained by the sugar packets when we went out to eat this weekend.

We had to ride a bus to get to the hockey game. Carson was thrilled and may have had more fun doing that then watching the game.

Go Gophers!!!

Memorized by hockey. We had to let grandpa sit by us even though he was dressed in Sioux colors. Some people are so misguided. ;-)

Hanging out at the hockey game.

Reading a story by the fireplace.

Such a cutie.
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