Official potty training is going to begin in our house after Labor Day. Carson has been pretty good about going on the potty so we are going to try the whole thing the weekend after Labor Day. I bought him some Cars underwear the other day and when I brought them home he wanted ALL 3 of them on at the same time. Wouldn't you know it took about 4 minutes before he had peed through all 3 pairs. Nice.

I actually got him to wear this out of the house and to the grocery store the other day. Maybe he will make it through the Twins game with it on. I'm not holding my breath though.

Declan being silly with his cups.

Look at my budda belly!

My MOMS Club visited the Cookie Jar this morning. No better way to start our day then with cookies and candies. We got a tour of the place and afterwards we decorated our very own sugar cookie.

I tried to avert Declan's attention away from the cookie with Goldfish crackers. Cause who can resist those crackers?

However, my efforts failed as he quickly noticed the M&Ms and sprinkles.

Mmmmm......good stuff mom.

Tasting his freshly decorated cookie....all this before 10am!

The day got even crazier when I invited 2 of Carson's friends over to play. The Three Amigos had a blast together.

Carson and Treylyn drawing together.

Carson and Sam trying to share the firetruck.

We even managed to have dinner for all of them.

Reason #4 that I may not have any more kids.....my house would NEVER be clean. :-)
Declan trying to walk.
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