Monday, December 24, 2007
Gotta Love Jib Jab!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas!

I have a video of this whole thing but my laptop moves at the pace of a snail so I'll post it as soon as I can!
God Bless.

I've been tagged by my friend Amy in OR. So, instead of doing the million other things I should be doing I decided to answer these fun questions.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping Paper! The best part of Christmas morning is ripping open the packages. Gift bags offer no ripping!
2. Real tree or Artificial? Real. But I have a really nice fake tree that I may put up next year in addition to my real tree. We used to have 2 trees when I was young and I loved it.
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the weekend after Thanksgiving.
4. When do you take the tree down? New Year's.
5. Do you like eggnog? It's not bad. Trevor got me hooked on it.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? My ten speed bike when I was in 3rd grade. It was hot pink and I have lots of pictures of me Christmas morning riding it on the driveway, in the snow. OR, my grandma's chocolate chip cookies. She used to wrap them up and send them to us. They were pretty good!!
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, 3 of them.
8. Hardest person to buy for? My parents. Well, probably my dad actually.
9. Easiest person to buy for? The boys!
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I've gotten 2 e-mail Christmas cards this year. I can't stand that. It takes all the fun out of getting them in the mail.
11.Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Hmmm, I'm not sure I should reveal that information. (I can't get this to not be bold.)
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Miracle on 34th St. The newer one.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Whenever I have money.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I don't think so.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Ting-a-lings. Thank's to my mom I have a shoe box (ok, half a shoe box) full in my freezer.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Both
17. Favorite Christmas song? Joy to the World. Carson loves Jingle Bells and Frosty the Snowman.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We travel to the grandparents. When I was growing up we were usually home at Christmas and then went on vacation between Christmas and New Years. Usually it was skiing or something fun like that. Next year Trevor will have that week off so I hope to continue that tradition.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer Donor and Blitzen, Comet and that all? I can't remember the rest. Oh Vixen? I'm drawing a blank. LOL
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Growing up we were allowed one on Christmas Eve. It was usually the one from my grandma. The rest were Christmas morning.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? It goes to fast.
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? No theme, just anything Christmas.
24. What do you want for Christmas this year? My house painted and ready to move in when we get home from the grandparents. Hmm, maybe Trevor hired someone to finish it while we are gone? A girl can wish can't she?
Ok, I tag Jenn and Lyn! Have fun girls.
Friday, December 14, 2007
I'm not kidding.
I hate vomit and I know everyone does but I really can't take it.
Well today my nightmare came true.
I had taken the boys over to the new house to nap this afternoon so that I could do some painting. They both slept well. Carson got up and I let him watch "Chip Dale" on the DVD player while I cleaned up the paint. He watched for awhile then was running around helping me and asking me to paint, my answer to that question was a definite no! At one point I asked him what he was doing and he said, "goin downstairs."
Then I heard it.
A little cough, followed by some gagging noise, then that awful sound that you never want to hear.
Part of me froze. If I didn't turn around then maybe it really didn't happen and then I wouldn't have to clean it. Right?
Well, I knew that thought couldn't last and that awful sound just kept coming. So I turned around to find my son christening my brand new carpet on the steps.
I picked him up and ran to the bathroom but that was pretty much a lost cause. We cleaned up and sat down to cuddle together. I said nothing short of 57 prayers that this was a one time thing. Keep in mind that my cleaning supplies were limited because we haven't moved in yet. That was fun trying to find something to clean it up with. Luckily my husband saves every sock, t-shirt, boxer, whatever known to man for rags and we had brought those over last week. I never thought I would be thankful for that dreadful pile of cotton.
So we sat and I prayed and about 15 minutes later I heard it again.
I'll spare you the rest of the details but he continued to make said noise every 15 minutes for the next five hours.
I've done 3 loads of laundry.
Been puked on.
Got puke in my hair.
Took a bath with him since we both stunk.
And rocked him to sleep for what I hope is a peaceful night.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Dinner Guest
So the other night we sat down to dinner and they both were required to eat dinner with us and they HAD to have their own chair. They've eaten almost every meal with us since.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Some random pictures.

This past weekend we went to Grand Forks, ND to watch the MN Gophers take on the Sioux in hockey. It was a great time. The Gophers lost on Friday but they WON on Saturday when we where there. Go Gophers!!

All dressed in our Gopher colors!

Monday, December 3, 2007
A New Beginning
We're Homeowners Again!!!!!
We closed this morning and are so excited. Trevor and I headed over there right after closing! We will be doing some painting and fixing of things before we move in, which will be some time towards the end of the month. Tonight we are heading over to hang a few Christmas lights around the house and then out for a nice dinner to celebrate just how broke we are now....I mean our new house.
Declan's become quite the character these days. Here are a few of his funnier moments.

Thursday, November 29, 2007
There Mine Too!
Monday, November 26, 2007
A Great Thanksgiving Weekend
Trevor and I went out on Saturday night to Barnes and Noble, something we used to do in our college days quite frequently, I opened a book and read about 4 pages of it before my head literally hit the table. I was so tired from everything over the weekend. I'm sure Trevor thought I was a wonderful date. Luckily we were able to go out Friday night and I managed to stay up till midnight, so I'm not that pathetic.
We are thankful for many things this year. And even though Thanksgiving has come and gone I will share them with you anyways....
1. Our 2 very healthy, happy and cute little boys. Our life would not be complete without them. What a blessing they are to us.
2. My husband who works long hours and provides for us without any hesitation (well, sometimes a swift quick in the butt to get out of bed). He is my ROCK and my life and I am so very thankful that he is a part of it and we get to experience life together.
3. For our new house. We close one week from today!!!
4. For our parents who support us and give us so much. We love you all and we thank you for everything that you have done for us.
5. For nap time. I love nap time.
6. Hot chocolate on cold days.
7. For Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Chip and Dale, Diego and any other cartoon that Carson watches so I can have a moment to shower or clean or take care of Declan.
8. For Christmas music, Christmas decorations, Christmas trees and all other things Christmas. I love this time of the year!
9. For being 95% done with our Christmas shopping.
10. For a roof over our head, heat in our house, the clothes on our back and the food on our table. Thank you God.
Ok, now for some weekend pictures.