Hard to believe but Emily has been a part of our family for almost 2 months now. Carson adores her. This morning he was up at the crack of dawn to take her for a walk with daddy. He likes to help daddy train her and he loves getting her to play fetch. The other day we were in the car with her and she was whining....
Carson: Emily is sad mommy
Me: Yeah, she just wants to get out of the car.
Carson: I think she needs a friend. Maybe we should go get her brother! (He was at the shelter when we got her.
He's also mentioned more then once that grandma can keep the kitties and we can just get another dog. Ha, one dog at a time sweetheart.

Declan on the other hand could really care less. He loves to go to the dog park and play with all the little dogs. He likes having her around when she's doing what he wants but if she has other plans then Declan gets crabby with her. The other day in the car the conversation went like this...
Carson: I love Emily mommy.
Me: Me too honey.
Declan: I don't love her mommy.
I guess he's being honest?? In all seriousness he has gotten better with her but its still a day to day thing whether he wants her around.