It's been One Crazy Year in our family. One year ago today we welcomed our second little boy, Declan Michael made his entrance at 1:54pm weighing 7lbs 7oz and 20 inches long. He was perfect!

Declan has brought so much joy to our family. He has a smile that lights up the entire room and then some. He's got red hair like his mama and gorgeous hazel eyes. Along with his Irish name and red hair comes a little temper, stubbornness and alot of determination. All characteristics that make Declan such an incredible little boy (and very much like his mama!). Before he was born I was so scared of how our life would be with 2 kids. My time with just Carson was gone and I was now the mother of 2. I couldn't have asked for anything better and I certainly can't imagine my life without him. It's been a challenging year and Declan has taught me so many valuable lessons that I wouldn't change for the world. Most of all patience! ;-)
6 days after Declan was born Trevor moved to a new state, 2 weeks later the boys and I followed. We are so happy we moved to SD. Trevor loves his new job and we have met so many new people and friends. But most of all we are so blessed to have 2 sweet, healthy little boys.
Happy 1st Birthday my sweet Declan! We love you so much and we are so lucky to have you in our lives.
Now for some pictures.....
We had Declan's Birthday party on Sunday at my parents. Both sets of grandparents were there as well as our dear friends Leanne (Declan's Godmother), Brittany and Meghan Dunnigan.

You didn't actually think he would wear it did you?

Bring on the cake.

He didn't eat much of it. I think he played more then he ate.

Not too impressed.

Big Brother enjoyed a piece AND wore his hat.

Time for the post birthday cake bath.

And some presents.

Oh it's so funny opening gifts.

He's officially a walker! And its done with both hands in the air for balance.

The Birthday Boy!
And last but not least we made a video of Declan's first year. It's a little long but we hope you enjoy it.