Thursday, July 26, 2007

A break from the heat.

I bought Carson a tube of little farm animals the other day. He loves them and has hardly let go of them since. Him and Declan have a little game going.

Carson lines them up.

And Declan knocks them down.

We met some friends at the Pavillion the other day. We needed a break from the heat. Carson had a blast with the water table.

Declan mostly hung out in the stroller happy as a clam.

Kyra and Carson making earthquakes. Declan watching from afar.

They even had a gigantic piano there. It was just like the movie, Big.

Reason #1 and #2 why Trevor can never get to work on time. They're so cute and cuddly in the morning!

Monday, July 23, 2007

We know where he came from.




Well we know he was NOT switched at birth. He's mine!

The Dairy Farm

My MOMS Club visited a dairy farm this morning. 1600+ cows, 15,000 gallons of milk and really HOT weather made for a nice visit. Ha Ha!!

Greeting the cows upon our arrival.

Waving to all the cows.

Checking out the baby calf that was born just a few hours before.

Trevor or Carson?

We spent a lazy weekend playing with the boys. On Saturday morning the boys had a blast playing under the blankets of mommy and daddy's bed. Where is everyone?

Here's Declan!

Carson enjoying a treat naked.

And then insisting that he be carried in the sling.

Declan figured out how to drink from a sippy cup this weekend. ]

He's pretty proud of himself.

Declan trying to crawl up on his brother.

Carson trying to hold still......yeah right.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Summer Heat

The summer heat hit in full stride this week. Luckily its tapered off now but is supposed to be back this weekend. So we found lots of ways to stay cool.

Like hanging out poolside.

Or playing in our new sandbox that grandpa made.

Or taking a bubble bath.

In fact it was so hot outside we had to wear our sunglasses inside.

Popcorn eating 101 (according to Mr. Declan)1. Eat it naked!

2. Gather the pieces in your (cute) little hands.

3. Try and get the pieces into one of your hands. This takes lots of concentration.

4. When that doesn't work just shovel it in using both hands.
5. Keep shoveling until it's all in your mouth. Again, lots of concentration required.

6. Enjoy

7. Go back for more repeating steps 1 through 6.

8. Sometimes this requires digging deep into the bag.

Graham Cracker 1 Declan 0

Friday, July 13, 2007

Childhood Innocence

Trevor and I often comment about the innocence of childhood. How wonderful it must be to not have a care in the world, no bills to pay, no job to go to, etc. Oh to go back to childhood where the most stressful part of the day is picking up your toys. It seems we are always delayed in getting the boys to bed on time because it is so much fun to watch them play and enjoy everything around them. Tonight Carson was entertained for a least 30 minutes with a scratcher pad we have for our cats. He delighted in all the things it could be come. Like a little mini tent.
Or a little tiny boat just big enough for him.

Declan can chase a golf ball around the kitchen floor for what seems like an eternity. Or the other day when he was happy as a clam playing with my makeup bag. A lady in the grocery store commented to me the other day about how the boys where silent in the cart and just absorbing everything around them. They weren't worried about the price of bananas or what was for dinner but they were more interested in the produce worker or the deli man who gives out cheese. What I wouldn't do to go back and have such childhood innocence again.

Carson has become our "sandwich stacker." He eats as much of the sandwich as he can without getting too close to the crust then stacks the remnants on top or each other. It's pretty comical but it makes me wonder, why do kids refuse to eat the crust? How does it start? I know I did as a child and I am sure most of you did as well. And at what point do we give in and eat it? Trevor still has times where he doesn't eat all the crust and my grandma refused to eat the crust of a pie. Well whoever invented those uncrustable sandwiches was a genius! Why didn't I think of that?

We have been struggling lately to get Declan to fall asleep on his own. He wants to be rocked and you can forget about doing it in a chair, he wants to be rocked standing up. If I go in there he has to be rocked but if Trevor goes in there he can keep him in his crib and usually get him back to sleep. So, Trevor has been a busy dad trying to teach Declan to fall asleep on his own. Something we never had to work on with Carson. Anyways, the last 2 nights Trevor has laid Declan down and he scoots up to Eeyore and lays his head down and is out.

Most people after they comment on his hair color make a comment about his eyes. They are amazing.

And last but not least a pretty thunder cloud tonight.

Lord, please let this be a sign that we are getting some much needed rain. And I also thank you for my 2 beautiful children and my wonderful husband. Thank you for bringing them into my life and allowing them to teach me so many wonderful lessons about life.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Declan!

Declan turned 9 months this week. Where does the time go? We went to the doctor today, a new one at that, and its confirmed, he's still our little peanut. He is 20 lbs 1 oz (41st percentile), 28.5 inches long (50th) and has a 18.5 inch head (90th). So he is skinny, short and has lots of brains! Sounds perfect to us! Carson was 23 lbs 12 oz and 30.5 inches long at 9 months. That's quite the difference. Carson was also on the verge of walking at this age. I think we are quite a ways from Declan walking.

We have also been trying to venture out of the baby food world. Today he ate more blueberries then I care to count, grapes, crackers, cheese and some hot dog. He did pretty well and it seems the blueberries are at the top of his list of things to eat. He popped his 2nd tooth on top as well. There are about 3 others that are close. No wonder he has been cranky! (Yes there are time when he isn't smiling!)

Here are a couple of pictures of our little peanut.

Up to no good in the bathroom.

Check out that tooth!

His official 9 month shot.
Just relaxing in the chair.

And one with his brother who likes to squish him.

This is what happens when you let a 2 year old feed a 9 month old.

Monday, July 9, 2007

A Day at the Lake

We had a family picnic at the lake this weekend. We couldn't have asked for better weather. The boys had a blast swimming and playing with their (2nd) cousins.

Enjoying the lake.

Grandpa and Declan

Big Cousin Lily teaching Declan all about water noodles.

Hmmm, what kind of trouble can these two boys get into?

That's one big sword!



Declan enjoyed dessert the best. And who wouldn't?

Hanging out on the porch.

Declan has a new fascination with balls. He loves them.

3 very tired kids that just kept going and going and going......

Travis and Carson

Getting ready to watch the fireworks.

Declan's first 4-wheeler ride.

And his first bath without the bath seat. I was reminded why I was using he would sit down!
All Clean!!