Declan turned 9 months this week. Where does the time go? We went to the doctor today, a new one at that, and its confirmed, he's still our little peanut. He is 20 lbs 1 oz (41st percentile), 28.5 inches long (50th) and has a 18.5 inch head (90th). So he is skinny, short and has lots of brains! Sounds perfect to us! Carson was 23 lbs 12 oz and 30.5 inches long at 9 months. That's quite the difference. Carson was also on the verge of walking at this age. I think we are quite a ways from Declan walking.
We have also been trying to venture out of the baby food world. Today he ate more blueberries then I care to count, grapes, crackers, cheese and some hot dog. He did pretty well and it seems the blueberries are at the top of his list of things to eat. He popped his 2nd tooth on top as well. There are about 3 others that are close. No wonder he has been cranky! (Yes there are time when he isn't smiling!)
Here are a couple of pictures of our little peanut.

Up to no good in the bathroom.

Check out that tooth!

His official 9 month shot.
Just relaxing in the chair.

And one with his brother who likes to squish him.
This is what happens when you let a 2 year old feed a 9 month old.