This is what happens when I am trying to take a picture of their shirts. It's impossible to get them BOTH to sit still.

Carson started speech therapy 3 weeks ago. So far he has done great. Each week it seems she is able to get him to say at least 5 new words. I usually try and practice those words with him between Molly's visits. Today when Molly arrived she had a large tube with her and a ball. She was trying to play catch with Carson by throwing the ball threw the long tube. At one point she was trying to get him to say, "I want the ball." Carson got a little confused by the word want. Here's how the conversation went....
Molly: Carson, do you want the ball?
Carson: Ball!
Molly: Say, "I want the ball."
Carson: Blank stare
Molly: Say "I"
Carson: I!
Molly: Say, "Want"
Carson: two...three....
He confused want for one. It was pretty funny. They had the same conversation a few times. I even tried to get him to say it tonight and he couldn't get past the want. Guess we know what our homework is this week.