Yesterday was Carson's first day of Preschool. He was pretty excited to go back and see all his friends. The conversation when I picked him up went something like this...
Me: How was your first day of school buddy?
Carson: Mommy there was new friends in my class.
Me: Oh, what are their names?
Carson: I don't we had to wear nametags.
Me: Well that helps Mrs. Lunder remember your name but she probably knows your since you were in her class last year. What else did you do today?
And pretty much in one breath it went something like this...
Carson: I got to play on my playground and we didn't go to the gym and Mrs Lunder told us to use quiet voices inside and loud voices outside and we sang some new preschool songs and we ate cheese crackers and I still have some in my backback. Can you hand me my backpack so I can get them out? And I drew you a picture and we had water in these little cups and we had to be careful not to spill andI painted my hand and I got to play with Andrew and Rory and Chayden and Westin but Chayden and Rory are friends and there were some old girl preschool friends in there too.
Phew...I was wore out just listening to it all!
This year he'll be going 3 days a week and next year, although I'd like to not talk about it, he will start kindergarten. Hard to believe this little guy is 4.5.

Westin and Andrew and Carson playing at the train table.